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Cyber Security

Cyber Security is crucial to guarantee the safety of any business. It ensures that all your web applications are safe from hackers and prevents any privacy breaches and file corruption. At Cyforis, we understand the importance of Cyber Security. That’s why we have experts in the department that provide services to help prevent any cyber threats. We take the security of your business to the heart which is why we ensure that all of the services we deliver provide quality and extensive knowledge to prevent cyber threats.

Services Overview

Strategy & Assessment

Ensuring that your business strategy goes hand in hand with your security software is crucial. Our specialists will assess your business and develop a security program to best suit your business needs.

Security Risk & Compliance

We work hard to come up with compliance strategies to advance a safer network for your organization

Application Security

We improve the security of each application through several tests to find, fix and prevent any security exposures.

Vulnerability & Threat Management

Our specialists take the time to identify and categorise software vulnerabilities so that they can put in place a program that will ensure the security of your computers and network.

Security Incident Management

We monitor and detect any security events happening on your network and work thoroughly to prevent the risk of exposure.

Security Automation & Orchestration

By coordinating security tasks across connected security applications, we ensure to protect your software from any risks and exposures.

Architecture & Implementation

Building systems and applications to ensure the security of your software. Our team of experts applies proven methods and techniques that guarantee success.

Cloud Security

Through digitization and integration, we protect your data and applications from security breaches and exposures of unauthorized data.


By integrating secure developments best practices into the development and deployment process, we guarantee the security of your network within the software.

Why Us & Approach

Today’s technology is constantly changing and hackers are finding newer and better ways to corrupt networks. Cyber Security has never been more crucial and in demand as it is now, which is why we have put together a team of experts who make it their mission to find newer and more innovative ways to protect your data from any cyber threats. Our specialists spend most of their time finding effective processes to ensure the protection of your business from online hackers.

Our approach is simple. By being innovative and creative in our process, we have the insurance of being one step ahead of cyber threats. At Cyforis, we prevent risks before they happen.